Years ago, I heard a quote that has become a useful 'tool'. I am not sure of the author, so I can't give credit where it is due, but it goes something like this: "Any event is altered by the perspective from which it is seen." I have made use of this many times over the years, in many situations. It has helped me get through some tough times and it has helped me to laugh during less tough times. Typically think of it once a month. Yes, that's when. The monthly cycle. I am convinced this was meant to be a time of resting and rejoicing! Remember, it is all in the perspective from which we see it.
Recently, a friend shared with me that she always gives herself 7 days off during her menstrual cycle. She doesn't even wait to see if she is gonna feel tired, achey or crampy. She just marks it on her calander! I was excited about this and it really got me thinking how much God loves us.
You see, in the days of the Old Testament a woman having her menstral cycle was considered ritually unclean (perspective! stick with me!). Everything she touched was unclean. So, to make it easier on everyone the women were made to leave camp for 7 days. Ladies, are we catching on here? Once a month God planned a 7 day all out GIRL PARTY! I can just imagine it! The women would take turns cooking for each other, they would care for each other, they would laugh and dance and rest! They would make big batches of cookies and eat them all! They would get a break from the every day hustle and bustle of life. Refresh and relax. No dishes to wash, no laundry to fold, no goat milk to clean off the tent walls. Just the leisure life. How great is that?
Even better was to give birth. A woman was ritually unclean for 40 days after having a son. But for the prize of a daughter you got a full 80 days off. This was just short of 3 months! Can you believe it? Just hanging out with the girls, being pampered and waited on. You know how women love to pamper! Can you imagine this being the best time, something all the women looked forward to? All wisely planned out by a Creator more Loving than we can imagine. God says we need to take time to love ourselves. To get plenty of good rest and relaxation. Unfortunately, somewhere in time the parties ended (possibly because someone had the wrong perspective about the girl parties). Today we go non-stop or what seems like it. We are over worked, over stressed and overly tired. From my perspective, ladies, God is the one who decided we deserve a break today. While a 80, 40 or even 7 day vacation with the girls isn't always possible in today's world, you do have the option of 7, 40 or even 80 minutes a day just to rest and relax. Maybe, you can even plan a girl party. Maybe, you can slow down for 7 days out of the month. And when you run into a frustrating situation stop grab this 'tool' and look from a different prospective. It is a wonderful, healthy way to make a small yet positive change in yourself.
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